package re Tk ######################################################################## # # pencil - a screensaver animation that simply moves a line, polygon, # or spline around on the screen. # ######################################################################## proc pencil {} { global pencil embed_args; ## ## set default parameters ## set pencil(width) 600 set pencil(height) 300 set pencil(pause) 50; # milliseconds pause between iterations set pencil(keep) 20; # number of iterations to keep on screen set pencil(points) 5; # number of points to iterate set pencil(connect) 1; # whether the points should be connected set pencil(closed) 1; # whether the points should be a closed loop set pencil(smooth) 1; # whether the points should be smoothed set pencil(background) black; # background color of canvas set pencil(palette) {palette iron 1 32}; # foreground color of images set pencil(control) 0; # control panel set pencil(maxdx) 5; # maximum x velocity set pencil(maxdy) 5; # maximum y velocity ## ## calibrate timer ## set c1 [clock clicks] after 100 set c2 [clock clicks] set pencil(millisec/click) [expr 100.0/($c2-$c1)] ## ## fetch embedded parameter specifications ## array set pencil [array get embed_args]; ## ## seed the random number generate ## if {[info exists pencil(srandom)]} { srandom $pencil(srandom); } else { srandom [clock seconds]; } ## ## compute additional parameters if not specified ## # parameters for each point for {set i 0} {$i < $pencil(points)} {incr i} { # initial x and y coordinate of point $i if { ! [info exists pencil(x$i)]} { set pencil(x$i) [expr [random]%$pencil(width)]; } if { ! [info exists pencil(y$i)]} { set pencil(y$i) [expr [random]%$pencil(height)]; } # x and y velocities of point $i if { ! [info exists pencil(dx$i)]} { set pencil(dx$i) [expr ([random]%$pencil(maxdx))+1]; } if { ! [info exists pencil(dy$i)]} { set pencil(dy$i) [expr ([random]%$pencil(maxdy))+1]; } # lower bound of x and y coordinates of point $i if { ! [info exists pencil(lx$i)]} { set pencil(lx$i) 0; } if { ! [info exists pencil(ly$i)]} { set pencil(ly$i) 0; } # upper bound of x and y coordinates of point $i if { ! [info exists pencil(ux$i)]} { set pencil(ux$i) $pencil(width); } if { ! [info exists pencil(uy$i)]} { set pencil(uy$i) $pencil(height); } } # possibly compute a palette if { ! [catch $pencil(palette) temporary]} { set pencil(palette) $temporary; } set pencil(n-palette) [llength $pencil(palette)]; # build the canvas pack [canvas .c -background $pencil(background) -height $pencil(height) -width $pencil(width)] -fill both -expand true # start the iteration set pencil(nth) 0; pencil_update; } # # update the cth coordinate of the ith point # proc pencil_update_ci {c i} { global pencil; # integrate velocity set pencil($c$i) [expr $pencil($c$i) + $pencil(d$c$i)]; # apply boundary conditions to position and velocity if {$pencil($c$i) < $pencil(l$c$i)} { set pencil($c$i) [expr $pencil(l$c$i) - $pencil($c$i)]; set pencil(d$c$i) [expr -$pencil(d$c$i)]; } elseif {$pencil($c$i) > $pencil(u$c$i)} { set pencil($c$i) [expr $pencil(u$c$i) - ($pencil($c$i) - $pencil(u$c$i))]; set pencil(d$c$i) [expr -$pencil(d$c$i)]; } } # # pick the color for this round # proc pencil_update_palette {} { global pencil; if {($pencil(nth) / $pencil(n-palette)) & 1} { return [lindex $pencil(palette) [expr $pencil(n-palette)-1-$pencil(nth)%$pencil(n-palette)]]; } else { return [lindex $pencil(palette) [expr $pencil(nth)%$pencil(n-palette)]]; } } # # # proc pencil_timeout {who} { global pencil set pencil(clicks) [clock clicks] after idle pencil_timein $who } proc pencil_timein {who} { global pencil set pause [expr int($pencil(pause)-(([clock clicks]-$pencil(clicks))*$pencil(millisec/click)))] if {$pause <= 1} { set pause $pencil(pause); } after $pause $who } # # # proc pencil_update {} { global pencil; set color [pencil_update_palette]; incr pencil(nth); if {$pencil(connect) && $pencil(points) > 1} { set coords {} for {set i 0} {$i < $pencil(points)} {incr i} { foreach c {x y} { append coords " $pencil($c$i)"; pencil_update_ci $c $i; } } if {$pencil(points) > 2} { if {$pencil(closed)} { eval .c create polygon $coords -smooth $pencil(smooth) -fill {{}}\ -outline $color\ -tags L$pencil(nth); } else { eval .c create line $coords -smooth $pencil(smooth) -fill {{}}\ -fill $color\ -tags L$pencil(nth); } } else { eval .c create line $coords -smooth $pencil(smooth) -fill {{}}\ -fill $color\ -tags L$pencil(nth); } } else { for {set i 0} {$i < $pencil(points)} {incr i} { foreach c {x y} { set $c $pencil($c$i); pencil_update_ci $c $i; } .c create oval [expr $x-5] [expr $y-5] [expr $x+5] [expr $y+5] \ -fill $color \ -tags L$pencil(nth); } } .c delete withtag L[expr $pencil(nth)-$pencil(keep)]; pencil_timeout pencil_update } ######################################################################## # # random.tcl - very random number generator in tcl. # # Copyright 1995 by Roger E. Critchlow Jr., San Francisco, California. # All rights reserved. Fair use permitted. Caveat emptor. # ######################################################################## # # This code implements a very long period random number # generator. The following symbols are "exported" from # this module: # # [random] returns 31 bits of random integer. # [srandom ] reseeds the generator. # $RAND_MAX yields the maximum number in the # range of [random] or maybe one greater. # # The generator is one George Marsaglia,, # calls the Mother of All Random Number Generators. # # The coefficients in a2 and a3 are corrections to the original # posting. These values keep the linear combination within the # 31 bit summation limit. # # And we are truncating a 32 bit generator to 31 bits on # output. This generator could produce the uniform distribution # on [INT_MIN .. -1] [1 .. INT_MAX] # set random..a1 { 1941 1860 1812 1776 1492 1215 1066 12013 }; set random..a2 { 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 827 }; set random..a3 { 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 7777 251 }; set random..m1 { 30903 4817 23871 16840 7656 24290 24514 15657 19102 }; set random..m2 { 30903 4817 23871 16840 7656 24290 24514 15657 19102 }; proc random..srand16 {seed args} { set n1 [expr $seed & 0xFFFF]; set n2 [expr $seed & 0x7FFFFFFF]; set n2 [expr 30903 * $n1 + ($n2 >> 16)]; set n1 [expr $n2 & 0xFFFF]; set m [expr $n1 & 0x7FFF]; foreach i {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} { set n2 [expr 30903 * $n1 + ($n2 >> 16)]; set n1 [expr $n2 & 0xFFFF]; lappend m $n1; } return $m; } proc random..rand16 {a m} { set n [expr \ [lindex $m 0] + \ [lindex $a 0] * [lindex $m 1] + \ [lindex $a 1] * [lindex $m 2] + \ [lindex $a 2] * [lindex $m 3] + \ [lindex $a 3] * [lindex $m 4] + \ [lindex $a 4] * [lindex $m 5] + \ [lindex $a 5] * [lindex $m 6] + \ [lindex $a 6] * [lindex $m 7] + \ [lindex $a 7] * [lindex $m 8]]; return [concat [expr $n >> 16] [expr $n & 0xFFFF] [lrange $m 1 7]]; } # # Externals # set RANDOM_MAX 0x7FFFFFFF; proc randomstate {} { global random..m1 random..m2; return [list [set random..m1] [set random..m2]]; } proc setrandomstate {state} { global random..m1 random..m2; set random..m1 [lindex $state 0]; set random..m2 [lindex $state 1]; } proc srandom {seed} { global random..m1 random..m2; set random..m1 [random..srand16 $seed]; set random..m2 [random..srand16 $seed]; return {}; } proc random {} { global random..m1 random..m2 random..a1 random..a2; set random..m1 [random..rand16 [set random..a1] [set random..m1]]; set random..m2 [random..rand16 [set random..a2] [set random..m2]]; return [expr (([lindex [set random..m1] 1] << 16) + [lindex [set random..m2] 1]) & 0x7FFFFFFF]; } ######################################################################## # # palette.tcl a palette generator # # original author: Eric Grosse # derivative tcl hacker: Roger Critchlow # ######################################################################## # # This routine computes colors suitable for use in color level plots. # Typically s=v=1 and h varies from 0 (red) to 1 (blue) in # equally spaced steps. (h=.5 gives green; 1 $green} { set max $red set min $green } else { set max $green set min $red } if {$blue > $max} { set max $blue } else { if {$blue < $min} { set min $blue } } set range [expr $max-$min] if {$max == 0} { set sat 0 } else { set sat [expr {$range/$max}] } if {$sat == 0} { set hue 0 } else { set rc [expr {($max - $red)/$range}] set gc [expr {($max - $green)/$range}] set bc [expr {($max - $blue)/$range}] if {$red == $max} { set hue [expr {.166667*($bc - $gc)}] } else { if {$green == $max} { set hue [expr {.166667*(2 + $rc - $bc)}] } else { set hue [expr {.166667*(4 + $gc - $rc)}] } } } return [list $hue $sat $max] } # # The procedure below converts an HSV value to RGB. It takes hue, saturation, # and value components (floating-point, 0-1.0) as arguments, and returns a # list containing RGB components (float, 0-1.0) as result. The code # here is a copy of the code on page 616 of "Fundamentals of Interactive # Computer Graphics" by Foley and Van Dam. # proc palette..hsv2rgb {hue sat value} { set v $value; if {$sat == 0} { return "$v $v $v" } else { set hue [expr $hue*6.0] if {$hue >= 6.0} { set hue 0.0 } scan $hue. %d i set f [expr $hue-$i] set p [expr $value*(1 - $sat)] set q [expr $value*(1 - ($sat*$f))] set t [expr $value*(1 - ($sat*(1 - $f)))] switch -exact $i { 0 {return "$v $t $p"} 1 {return "$q $v $p"} 2 {return "$p $v $t"} 3 {return "$p $q $v"} 4 {return "$t $p $v"} 5 {return "$v $p $q"} default { error "i value $i is out of range" } } } } # # rainbow - maps hue variations into the colors of the rainbow # as h varies from 0 to 1. # set palette..huettab { 0.0000 0.0062 0.0130 0.0202 0.0280 0.0365 0.0457 0.0559 0.0671 0.0796 0.0936 0.1095 0.1275 0.1482 0.1806 0.2113 0.2393 0.2652 0.2892 0.3119 0.3333 0.3556 0.3815 0.4129 0.4526 0.5060 0.5296 0.5501 0.5679 0.5834 0.5970 0.6088 0.6191 0.6281 0.6361 0.6430 0.6490 0.6544 0.6590 0.6631 0.6667 0.6713 0.6763 0.6815 0.6873 0.6937 0.7009 0.7092 0.7190 0.7308 0.7452 0.7631 0.7856 0.8142 0.8621 0.9029 0.9344 0.9580 0.9755 0.9889 1.0000 }; proc palette..rainbow {h s v} { upvar \#0 palette..huettab huettab; set h [expr 1-$h]; set h [expr 60 * fmod($h/1.5, 1.0)]; set i [expr int(floor($h))]; set h [expr [lindex $huettab $i] + ([lindex $huettab [expr $i+1]] - [lindex $huettab $i]) * ($h - $i)]; return [palette..hsv2rgb $h $s $v]; } # # terrain - maps hue variations into typical # map terrain colors. No saturation or value # sensitivity. # proc palette..terrain {hue sat val} { set hue [expr $hue * 3]; if {$hue < .25} { return [list 0 0 [expr 0.25+2*$hue]]; } elseif {$hue < 2} { return [list 0 [expr 0.25+(2-$hue)] 0]; } elseif {$hue < 2.7} { return [list .75 .15 .0]; } else { return [list .9 .9 .9]; } } # # iron - maps hue into the colors of iron as it is heated # proc palette..iron {hue sat val} { return [list [expr 3*($hue+.03)] [expr 3*($hue-.333333)] [expr 3*($hue-.666667)]]; } # # astro - maps hue into slightly blued gray scale # proc palette..astro {hue sat val} { return [list $hue $hue [expr ($hue+.2)/1.2]]; } # # gray - maps hue into gray scale # proc palette..gray {hue sat val} { return [list $hue $hue $hue]; } # # Creates texture array with saturation levels in the y (t) direction # and hue and lightness changes in x (s) direction. # Flattens it into a single list. # proc palette {map nsaturations ncolors {gamma 1}} { set array {}; set dsat [expr 1.0/$nsaturations]; set dhue [expr 1.0/$ncolors]; if {"[info proc palette..$map]" == {}} { error "I don't know how to make a palette of type: $map"; } for {set sat $dsat} {$sat <= 1.0} {set sat [expr $sat+$dsat]} { for {set hue $dhue} {$hue <= 1.0} {set hue [expr $hue+$dhue]} { set color "\#"; foreach gun [palette..$map $hue $sat 1] { if {$gun > 1} { set gun 1; } elseif {$gun < 0} { set gun 0; } if {$gun != 0} { set gun [expr pow($gun, 1.0/$gamma)]; } append color [format %04x [expr int($gun*65535.9999)]]; } lappend texture $color; } } return $texture; } # # Interpolate between two colors, return a color # ramp from rgb1 (expressed as three floats, 0-1) to # rgb2 including both colors. # proc interpalette {rgb1 rgb2 steps} { set hsv1 [eval rgb2hsv $rgb1]; set hsv2 [eval rgb2hsv $rgb2]; } ## ## start ## pencil